What’s going on?
Are you 16-21? Are you looking to be the next new big music manager? Do you have an eye for talent? Do you have an ear for music? Apply at: change@wearenodifferent.co.uk
For Our Community
We want to allow our community to have the same opportunities as everyone else and to keep updated with what’s going.
FREE - Silent Arts Festival on Tavistock Crescent
18th September 12:00pm-21:30pm
Ongoing Petitions
Don't Pay
They are a movement against the rise in energy bills
We demand a reduction in energy bills to an affordable level.
We will withhold payment together if we are ignored.
We will take this action when we reach 1 million pledges to strike.
Poor Brits hit hardest as inflation goes up by 10.9% - but 7.9% for rich people - The Mirror
Hospitals set up food banks and hardship loans for staff struggling with cost of living crisis - The Independent
Proposed bill ‘Ella’s law’ could enshrine right to clean air
Boris Johnson believes help for families would ‘shovel cash to appease bleeding hearts’
Why disabled people will be forced to stay in burning high-rises
Asma Khan: ‘As an immigrant, I want everyone to know you cannot eat my food if you don’t also take me’ - The Independent
Exclusive: Charities Demand Urgent Government Action On Cost Of Living Crisis
Energy bills to rise by £800 as price cap increases - The Times and The Sunday Times